About Us
Monthly Meetings:
Our monthly meetings are held at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh – Fox Valley (map) on Midway Road in Menasha on the third Wednesday of each month from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Topics are geared toward both beginner and more advanced amateur astronomers. Monthly meetings include videos, slide shows, lectures, reviews of upcoming celestial events, sharing of experiences, participative projects and much more. Meetings are free and open to the public.
Other Activities Include:
Telescope building, mirror grinding, astrophotography, field trips, club picnic and holiday party.
Benefits of membership in NEWSTAR:
The benefits of membership are probably the strongest reason for joining. When you join NEWSTAR you are entitled to:
Membership in the Astronomical League.
Full Voting privileges
Free use of the club’s telescopes, including:
- 10″ (250 mm) computerized Dobsonian
- 10″ (250 mm) computerized “GOTO” Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope
- 11″ (280 mm) Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope mounted in a dome on a clock driven mount.
- Coronado PST Solar Telescope
Attend club star parties at club observing sites.
4 quarterly issues of Astronomical League‘s newsletter The Reflector.
Reduced subscription rates to Sky & Telescope and Astronomy Magazine.

Our Mission
Since 1986, Northeast Wisconsin Stargazers (NEWSTAR) has shared the wonders of the sky with each other and the community at large. Our mission for the next millennium and beyond is to share club resources including personal experiences and equipment with all interested.
Talk to us
Have any questions? We are always willing to answer any questions about the club, astronomy and how we can help you. You can also join us on Facebook and Discord. Facebook is open to anyone and our Discord channel is a benefit of membership.